“We have trusted PPM with our business for over a decade and they have been integral to our success. We feel like we have found a group of friends that also provide outstanding practice management services!”
James G. Sisamis, II, M.D.
St. Joseph, MI
Partner Insight
What is CAQH?
CAQH stands for The Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare, Inc. and collaborates with health plans, providers, and related organizations to make the business of healthcare more streamlined and efficient. (caqh1)
The CAQH Provider Data Portal is an online data repository of credentialing data. Healthcare Providers store their demographic, education and training, work history, malpractice history, and other relevant credentialing information within their own secure online platform. Providers can log in anytime from anywhere and can approve access for payers, hospitals, provider groups, and credentialing agencies.
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