Anesthesia practices face an ever-increasing number of challenges in today’s healthcare environment. The groups that are thriving are the ones that successfully manage all facets of their practice – including all non-billing and payable functions essential to the effective management of a practice.
PPM Partners practice management services include fee schedule and reimbursement analysis, service line and new location analysis, hospital and managed care contracting support, compliance and education services, practice staffing and governance insight, as well as all other management needs specific to your group.
We have a deep history of experience in all practice-related issues that has been obtained from working with anesthesia practices of all types throughout the country. We offer one of the strongest, most experienced teams of professionals in the industry. Hospital relationships, strategic business decisions, human relations, and customer service all serve to make your practice the best it can be.
PPM Partners takes an active role in the management of your practice to maximize your success.