Every year it gets harder and harder to get paid the money you have rightfully earned. With a push toward pay for quality over volume and as payers alter medical policies impacting reimbursement, it is critical to understand what is necessary to stay ahead of the curve. How do this year’s changes in the MIPS program affect my practice? How many quality measures am I required to report, and which are best suited for my practice? To which Improvement Activities should I attest? How do I document a patient’s underlying risk factors to prove medical necessity for endoscopic anesthesia reimbursement? How many chronic pain injections are allowed over a twelve-month period, and does your documentation show that physical therapy or medication were tried without success?
These questions and many more arise on a daily basis in the scope of every anesthesia practice. PPM Partners recognizes that the needs of every client are different and that we play a pivotal role in their education. Having knowledgeable providers is not only important from an anesthesia billing and compliance standpoint, but is also necessary to maximize reimbursements. PPM’s role is to provide information that is timely, pertinent, thorough, and accurate. Our clients are updated continually on changes in anesthesia and pain management coding, billing issues and rules and regulations that are critical to achieving compliance and maximum reimbursement.